Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

It was obvious no one in the vicinity had ever seen anything like this. Haitian people flooded from their houses and big crowds gathered in the street to see what these men from America were singing and preaching about. Scott Crawford preached a Gospel message and Bro Bill called upon people to receive Jesus as Lord. When he called for a prayer of Salvation, hands went up all over the place to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord. Take that devil. The prayer, the praise, the fasting, the communion and the preaching of God’s Holy Word was breaking the devil’s back, and people were getting gloriously saved and delivered. Hallelujah. The guards’ rifles and shotguns were not needed because the weapons of our warfare were not carnal, but were mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. As happy as we were to reap this great harvest of souls, we knew we had many battles ahead of us in Haiti. Oh boy did we. The next day, a pastor of a local church that was in relationship with TBN asked us to come preach and minister at his church. We quickly obliged. When the open-air church service started, the congregation seemed very stiff and almost lifeless. They sang the hymns and quoted Bible verses in a way that reminded us more of a funeral than a church service. They renounced the spirit of Voodoo and called on Jesus to be saved.

I got up and began to play my guitar and sing. The Haitian band played along with me with Haitian


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