Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Then he asked, “Would you join my team and go with me to Haiti in just a few days?” It was interesting he asked that. Dot had just gotten her California real estate license and her very first client was sitting with her in our living room considering making an offer on a condominium purchase. I leaned my chair back a little and peered into the living room to see Dot and her new client, Esther Lafontant, who just happened to be from Haiti. Sitting in our living room was a girl from Haiti, and Bro Bill is calling me asking me to go minister with him in Haiti. Coincidence? Never. There are no coincidences in God. Bro Bill continued, “TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) wants to send us to Haiti to preach and minister in Port-au-Prince. Jan Crouch called me and said she was in her prayer garden praying about Haiti and the Lord brought my face before her. She asked if I would go to Haiti and minister using the TBN compound there as a base.”

Bro Bill had prayed and the Lord told him to call

me to join his ministry team.

I told Bill, “Sure. I will go to Haiti with you. Count

me in.”

Bro Bill was happy I had agreed to go. Then he asked me, “You do have a passport, right?” I told him I had one several years ago when I went with a team to smuggle Bibles into Russia, but that my passport had expired. A little bit alarmed, Bill exclaimed, “I thought you were a real Christian.” I answered back, “I am a real Christian!” He carried his incrimination a little further, “I


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