Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World
His only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
They printed the actual scripture word for word right in the paper. The article continued, “Don’t believe these Christians. Hold onto your faith.” Pictures in the article showed Muslim clerics reading our Gospel tracts. They also stated they were petitioning the high courts to extradite us back to stand trial in Indonesia. They wanted to put us on trial for the crime of “spreading the Gospel under the guise of giving help post-earthquake in Padang village.” In their eyes, we had blasphemed Allah and should have to stand trial for our crimes. As I searched the internet, I noticed several news organizations throughout much of Asia had picked this story up and posted it. WOW! As I read the stories these journalists had written and read what the Muslim clerics were saying, it was almost as if they preached the Gospel better than we did. These internet stories probably reached tens of thousands of readers throughout Asia. As we made our way back through immigration and was allowed to board our plane back to the USA, I was grateful. AS the plane took off I think we all breathed a big sigh of relief that we had left Indonesian airspace and were on our way home to our families. Part way through the flight, I was replaying in my mind so many things that had happened since we first landed in Indonesia. I thought about the leper community. I thought about Yudi kissing his Bible in front of KFC.
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