Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

We could hear the motorcycles coming near as the truck pulled away with us safely in the back truck bed. How exciting it was to be speeding away from the kidnappers on our way back to Padang. God was so good to have miraculously provided us a way of escape. About ten minutes into our ride to Padang, the sky opened, and we were hit with a monsoon rainstorm that can only happen in the jungles of Asia. We had no way to protect ourselves or stay even the least bit dry on what seemed like forever back to our hotel. We were exhausted, we were getting soaked by the rain, we were in the back of the truck heading to Padang when I happened to look at Rudy. He was standing up in the back of the truck getting pelted by the rain with a big grin that went from ear to ear. Through his full-faced grin, he looked at all of us and asked a question I will never forget. Rudy asked out into the air, “Why can’t every day be like today?” I wanted to lovingly say, “Shut up, Rudy.” We had definitely been in a spiritual battle and a war for our very lives. Somehow all this exhilarated Rudy and he couldn’t wait for another day to be like this one had been. Personally, I was glad it was over. Well, it was not exactly over for us yet. There was more to come. A lot more. When we got back to the hotel, we were soaked to the bone. So, we took warm showers, got into some dry clothes and went down the street to eat supper. We were talking loud about what had happened earlier in the day.


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