Sing Into Your Storm

“… And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” (Luke 22:44)

These Scriptures sounds like a contradiction as we see the events and circumstances surrounding Jesus, leading up to the cross. How can anyone have joy when you are sorrowful , deeply distressed or in agony ? How is that possible? It can only come by learning to grasp and then keep a heavenly perspective! Even in the midst of what “ seems ” to you like a dichotomy. Okay, so what is a dichotomy? The Merriam Webster dictionary says: “ It is defined as a division into two especially mutual yet contradictory groups or entities; i.e. the dichotomy between theory and practice; also : the process or practice of making such a division .” In other words, two things, seemingly opposed to each other, occurring from the same situation or person. Jesus said that “His soul was sorrowful – His physical and emotional well being were deeply distressed and in agony while in the garden. Yet in that garden His spirit kept perspective of God and His purposes, and Jesus ’ spirit over-ruled His body and soul into remaining resolute concerning the Will of His Father! Was it easy? No! Was it painful? Yes! Did He do it? Yes! The perseverance of Jesus in the trial of all trials is the reason you and I are in the Kingdom of God today! Your inner-man must take charge, as it is empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit! He will impart the Grace necessary to walk through the most difficult situation if you will fully lean on Him. Learning to command your soul and flesh is necessary in becoming one who overcomes!


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