Sing Into Your Storm ~ Overcoming Adversity Through High Praise

during the wee hours of the morning, (February 9, 1971), Andrae literally felt his room begin to shake, as a violent earthquake struck the San Fernando Valley, killing 64 people, and causing over a billion dollars in damage! Leaning On The Everlasting Arms. Minister and music teacher Anthony Showalter received letters from two previous students who had attended his music school just weeks before. Both had reported to him that their wives had suddenly died. As he thought about a word of comfort for both men, a Scripture came to mind: He wrote down the chorus to this beloved hymn, but reached out to a well know hymn writer, Elisha Hoffman for help completing the stanzas. I could go on and on of hundreds of beloved hymns and songs which were all birthed out of tragedy, sorrow and suffering, songs written in the night – the dark night of trial and testing. A “ spiritual song ” might best understood as a “Divinely inspired utterance” that comes spontaneously through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Another might sing it over you, or given directly to you! It is often structured poetically, like an “ode” but most often contains the very essence of psalms or hymns, although it is understood to be “a fresh, spontaneous Song of the Lord expressing the heart of God.” Paul alluded to its origin as having come from the Holy Spirit: Spiritual Songs “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27)


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