ROMANS Study Guide
a prophet or apostle) stirs up “Sozo faith” (rescuing, healing or delivering faith) in the one listening.
b) But once the Rhema Word has gone out and the Holy Spirit has stirred the heart with it … the listener must respond and receive it. This is what Israel had failed to do.
b. Paul makes clear that the Jews have had the same opportunity
as the Gentiles to hear this “empowered” word from His
“sent” ones (Jesus and apostles) … this word has in truth gone
out to all the earth (the gospel had already spread to the known
world at that time) … but the Jews had rejected the message and
the witness of the Holy Spirit. Vs.17-18
1) Paul asks again an obvious Question …” but didn’t Israel
know?” (vs.19 ) Did they not have the words of the prophets
and the messianic predictions in scripture to prepare them?
(i.e. Isa.53, Ps.22)
2) Paul immediately gives an example of God’s preparational
word to Israel by quoting Moses in Deut.32:21… where God
says that Israel had provoked God to jealously by
worshipping other God’s, therefore Moses prophesied there
would come a day when God would provoke Israel to
Jealously by causing the idol worshipping heathen to have the
covenant salvation Israel had been promised and had thought
belonged only to them.
3) Paul goes on to give another evidence of scripture that Israel
should have seen and understood. Isaiah declares that God
is going to use the Gentile nations who never had the
advantages of Israel… who never even knew about the Lord
or desired him… God would manifest (demonstrate) his grace
to them so that they will enter into his salvation and into the
new covenant God had promised his people. (Isa. 65:1-2;
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