ROMANS Study Guide

2. Inherited gift of salvation through Jesus Christ! vss.15-17

a. Paul is showing a parallel between the inheritance we gain from

A dam with what we gain in Christ. But in vs.15…Paul stresses one key

difference in our inheritance from Christ as believers… our

inheritance from Christ is so much more powerful than what

came down from Adam ( …” how much more did God’s grace…over

flow to the many.”

The Five “Much More’s”

1. Phrase “how much more” is found five times in chapter five. (vss.5:9, 10, 15, 17,20)

2. Much more comes from the Greek word “Mallon” which means to a “greater degree.” So those in Christ have a greater salvation than the condemnation we received in what Adam did.

b. Adam’s sin condemned men to judgment but Christ’s gift will

cause men to “reign in this life and the life to come.” Jesus

purchased not only our atonement with God but our ability to be

victorious in living life through Christ Jesus. “In” Jesus all that was in

him is in those who are “born again” now and forever. (Jn.3:3 -7)

3. Notice the four reigns found in Chapter five:

a. Reign of death (vs.13-14) The result of sin (Rom.6:23)

b. Reign of sin nature (vs.21) The inner propensity to serve self and violate God’s law

c. Reign of life (vs.17) In Christ we receive the life giving of the Spirit of Christ in us.

d. Reign of grace (vs.21) The consistent source of the ability to do what we in our selves cannot

do - supernatural strength and ability from God through Christ. Living and serving by God’s

enabling in ever circumstance of our life.

4. The Purpose of the Law then was to expose sin as sin. But with the

increase of sin came the greater increase of grace through Christ!


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