Our Lady of Fatima Newsletter - June 2024

June Reflection: The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart has a long history in the Church. To better understand its richness and our pathetic response (of which Our Lord has complained) consider the symbolism in, as St. Margaret Mary Alacoque calls it, this “Heart of Flesh”: ● The Fire can be understood to represent the tie to the Old Testament in which the highest form of sacrifice was a burnt offering (as in Abraham’s intention to offer

New York . The Big Apple. Home to the Yankees & Mets. Broadway.

Isaac). Christ, out of His burning love for us offers Himself to His Father for our redemption. Sadly, our response has been (according to Our Lord) “coldness and indifference”. ● The Light, a symbol of His divinity. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not. (Jn 1:4-5) ● The Spear which pierces His side and into His heart, from which flows blood and water. Church doctors like Sts. Augustine and John Chrysostom liken this to the graces in the Sacraments Christ instituted for us, yet Our Lord sorrowfully observes our ingratitude for them, especially the Eucharist, by “the irreverences and sacrileges…wherewith He is treated in this Sacrament of love” . ● The Crown of Thorns: our individual sins for which Christ suffered and died. Francis P. Donnelly, in his book The Heart of the Gospel: Traits of the Sacred Heart (1911), however, explains the crown is also a sign of victory: From the weapons of His enemy, from cross and crown and opened Heart, our conquering leader fashioned a trophy which was the best testimony of His love”. ● The Cross, which is smaller in comparison to the Heart, and sitting on top of it surrounded by flames, emphasizes how this Heart of love is “forever supporting the weight of the Cross” (Donnelly)

The 1940s . Big bands, Radio. WWII.The jitterbug. Swing. The Blue & White Banquet 2024 theme pulls it all together for an evening of fun and games!!

Don’t be a party pooper! Come boogie woogie with all our OLF hipsters!

Wedding Bliss Marriage is in the air this summer for several of our longtime parishioners. Valerie Marvin & Gregory Stolz on June 22 Sonya Wisniewski & Joseph Bissing on June 29 Maria DeBartolo & Jacob Wilhelm on July 6 in Post Falls Madelaine O’Neil & Cristyan Zepeda on Sept 14 Audrey Meyerhofer & Nicholas Bomberger on Sept 21

Our Lady of Fatima Church welcomes our visitors! New to Tradition or not, please stay after Mass and enjoy coffee and socializing! Joining our community is easy! Please fill out a registration card and put it in the designated box in the hall near the Epistle side door.

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