Our Lady of Fatima Newsletter - June 2024

OLF Hospitality Committee Contact Fatima to help! fatimarosevianney@yahoo.com Sundays Clean up after 2nd Mass 1st/June 2 Greninger family 2nd/June 9 J&M Dodge family 3rd/June 16 Marvin family 4th/June 23 Weinhart family 5th/June 30 Sherry O’Neil Thank you Marion Wheeler who will do set up every Sunday

Renovation Update

The Building Committee continues to be busy with upgrades and improvements outside. Since May, the parking lot has been sealed and fresh lines painted for parking spots. They even added ELEVEN extra spots. Additionally, more structure has been created to the playground with painted lines for both hopscotch and volleyball. The basketball area has seen a facelift as well. All of this is great, but it will necessitate a change in the parking pattern: *** Those attending 1st Mass are asked to please park at the back of the church beyond the slash lines on top of the playground lines, so that after 2nd Mass those spots “should” be empty which will allow the children free and clear movement for their new activities. Recommended Reading for June from OLF’s Librarian Tim Cleary ● Francis Larkin, SS.CC. Enthronement of the Sacred Heart (1970) ● Christian Pesch, SJ. Our Best Friend–The Devotion to the Sacred Heart Presented from the Standpoint of Friendship with Jesus (1953) ● H. Saintrain, CSSR. The Sacred Heart–Studied in the Sacred Scriptures (1890) Please be careful with this very OLD book! ● Peter J. Arnoudt, SJ. The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1904) ● Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC. Holy Hour to Start the New Year in the Spirit of the Sacred Heart (1953)

Parents on Playground Summer Schedule Contact Sean Delaney at 971-409-9867 Sundays After 2nd Mass until 1pm 1st/June 2 Webster/Pearson 2nd/June 9 Greninger/Hamilton 3rd/June 16 Brehm/Haslebacher 4th/June 23 Delaney/Wisniewski 5th/June 30 Joe/Monique Dodge

Priest's Pantry Contact Susie Marvin at jmarvinjr@hotmail.com Week Sunday Brunch Sat before the Sun 2 meals: Brunch & Supper 1st Justina Causseaux Sally Webster 2nd Luciann Meyerhofer Baby Wolfe 3rd Fatima Vianney Kristi Hamilton 4th Kate Brehm Kristi Hamilton 5th Susie Marvin Baby Wolfe Back-up B. Wolfe/S. Schenauer 1st Friday's Supper Lynne Pearson

Eucharistic Crusaders Contact Catherine Haslebacher at cathasle09@gmail.com Crusaders offered their work in May for the “Conversion of sinners and unbelievers through the Blessed Virgin Mary” Tallies for April 2024: Treasure Sheets turned in: 20

Masses: 138

Holy Communion: 88

Visits to Our Lord: 184

Sacrifices: 1109

Spiritual Communions: 152 Good Examples: 403

Daily Offerings: 531 Decades of Rosary: 2832

15 Mins of Silence: 195

June dedication: In Reparation

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