Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

making hospital visits and greeting people at the front

door of the church. It was one of the most challenging

seasons of our entire ministry. It was especially difficult

for our daughter, Darla, who was about to start her

senior year at Mid-Del Christian School. We agreed to

drive her back to Del City every Thursday, so she could

attend classes on Friday, and pick up her assignments

for the following week. We would then drive back home

on Saturday. We all made sacrifices so she could

graduate with her friends.

Our move to Rockwall was not what we had

anticipated. I had been serving as senior pastor of a

congregation of several hundred people and now I was

lost in the crowd, sitting in the pews. I had not even been

invited to sit on the platform with the other church

leaders. My self-worth was taking a major hit, so one

Sunday night I invited myself to sit on the platform.

After sitting down among the other leaders, I heard The

Voice ask me, “ Dale, what are you doing up here?” I never

tried to sit on the platform again until I was invited after this


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