Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Leaving Del City

We returned home from Rockwall, and soon

resigned as pastors of Del City First Assembly of God. It

was a sad and tearful transition, but we knew it was the

will of God. Our eight-year season was coming to a

close. We had made a lot of wonderful memories during

our time in Del City. Some thoughts seem to stick in

your mind forever. On Friday nights Jean and I would

have our weekly date. I remember one of those nights, I

left the house, drove around the block, then returned

home where I rang the doorbell. Darla came to the door,

and I told her that I had come to take her mother out on

a date and asked if she was ready. With a huge grin on

her face, she went to tell Jean that her date was here. Del

City will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Difficult Transition

In June 1985, we moved to Rockwall, leaving our

beautiful home, and moved into a small church condo,

with a substantial cut in pay. I thought I would have a

major position on staff, but my only assignments were


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