Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

night. I knew the Lord was teaching me how to sit at the

foot of the table, but it was tough.

One night Jean and I were returning from a

service an hour away, when suddenly during a Texas

thunderstorm, Jean and I wept and wept, not knowing

why God had sent us to Rockwall. We felt so alone and

out of place, but God was preparing us to go to the

nations of the world to serve as a prayer leader,

revivalist, and prophetic voice. We couldn’t have made

it without the encouragement and friendship we

received from people like Lillian Shibley, Bob Wilhite,

Ricky and Janice Russ, Syvelle and Lovey Phillips, Roy

Chapman, Dean Holsinger, David Shibley and others at

that time.

Shortly after that night, Jean and I became very

restless and approached Pastor Larry about starting a

church in Sulfer Springs, Texas, about 50 miles away

from Rockwall. He responded by saying, “ Dale, I need

you to stay here and help me start a Christian school .” I soon

started laying the foundation for Rockwall Christian


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