Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

It didn’t take long for Jean’s prophetic words to

be confirmed. We arrived just in time for the Wednesday

night service at Church on The Rock. Our friend, David

Shibley, met us at the front of the church and informed

us that Larry was not preaching that night, but wanted

us to come to their house.

When we arrived, Larry promptly began to

prophesy, declaring that we were going to move to

Rockwall, confirming almost word for word what Jean

had declared only a few hours earlier that day. I

responded by saying that I would pray about it, so we

agreed to stay for a few days.

I met Larry for a game of racquetball that same

week and shared with him the scripture the Holy Spirit

had given me that morning. He responded by saying,

the Lord gave him the same scripture while in prayer.

During that week, we had several confirmations about

Rockwall. We decided to accept Larry’s invitation and

make the move, not knowing this one act of obedience

would open nations of the world to us.


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