Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Thirteen

Moving To Rockwall

O ne morning in 1985, while taking my prayer

walk, I heard the Holy Spirit saying to me that our

season in Del City was coming to a close. I didn’t know

exactly what that meant, but I knew another transition

was in motion. Jean and I had made so many moves

over the years, but always wanted to do the will of God.

Shortly after hearing The Voice concerning our

next assignment, Jean and I began to pray for divine

direction. After several weeks, no word came, so we

decided that we would drive to Phoenix and check out

the possibility of pioneering a church in the land of the

Sun. Our friends, Larry and Melva Lea, invited us to

visit them in Rockwall, Texas on our way to Arizona.

Somewhere between OKC and Dallas, Jean suddenly

said, “ I hear the Holy Spirit saying, we are not moving to

Phoenix, but to Rockwall to work with Larry Lea .”


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