Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


In 1982, I prayerfully began to search for a new

administrator for our school. My prayers were

answered in a few short weeks when Jean and I

interviewed Jim and Dianna Howard, who had been

working with a Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky.

We met them at the airport with their two small

daughters, Lori and Holly. We soon realized that we had

found two great leaders for our Christian school. It was

proven to be one of the best decisions we ever made. The

Howards have continued to lead the school for the past

41 years.


In 1983, Dale Jennings became my associate

pastor. We had been friends for many years. He,

alongside his wife, Lorene, were a great addition to our

team. Dale and I traveled to Israel later that year, my

first journey to the Holy Land. It was a wonderful trip,

where we got to retrace the footsteps of Jesus. I will

never forget spending time alone and praying in the

Garden of Gethsemane. It was a moving experience, and

I felt His presence like never before.


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