Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Twelve

Starting A Christian School

S oon after we moved into our new church

facility in Del City, the Lord spoke to me about starting

a Christian school. I began to share my vision with the

congregation. I met with our board and proposed that

we start having classes in August of 1981. During the

meeting, a board member responded by asking how we

can make that type of commitment with no students. I

answered by saying that we have at least one, my

daughter, Darla. The board agreed that we needed a

Christian school to help train our sons and

daughters. We decided to start with grades 1-8. Mid-Del

Christian began in August 1981 with 80 students. I met

with the students and faculty that first morning, with

great enthusiasm and passion, not knowing that one

step of faith would result in thousands receiving a

Christian education during the next 40 years at Mid-Del

Christian School, which is now Destiny Christian



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