Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

building churches around the world .” I called Dan back and

scheduled Pastor Lennox Powell to preach that Sunday

evening. Following the service, he invited me to

minister at his church in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I

accepted the invitation, and soon Jean and I were taking

our first missionary journey.

When we arrived in Jamaica, I shared my

prophetic word with Pastor Powell, rehearsing how the

Lord had spoken to me about building a church in one

of the smallest nations in the world. The next morning,

he drove me to a small community called Guthers. We

pulled up in front of a church that looked like a shed,

with a tin roof, that had no windows or doors. The

pastor, Nathan Jarrett, met us there and began to share

his story. I observed the footing that had been dug only

a few feet away and asked him about it. He said, while

in prayer one morning, the Holy Spirit gave him a vision

of a white church with beautiful pews, windows, and

doors, even though they had no money to build. Tears

filled my eyes as I heard The Voice say, “ this is the place .”


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