Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

On our return home, my doctor admitted me into

the local hospital for tests. I was in the hospital for 10

days, and they could not find anything physically

wrong with me, but I was still experiencing stress and

anxiety. One morning, a local businessman walked into

my room, and ask if he could pray for me. I left the

hospital that day, knowing that I had been healed. This

stormy season would eventually lead me to conduct

seminars for pastors and ministers who were

experiencing stress, anxiety, and burnout.


A World Call

While in prayer one morning, I heard The Voice

say to me, “You’re going to start building churches all

around the world. ” My prayers were interrupted by a

phone call from my friend, Pastor Dan Sheaffer, telling

me that he was having a guest speaker from Jamaica on

Sunday morning, and asked me if I could have him

minister on Sunday evening? I told Dan that I would

pray about it and let him know. Immediately, I heard

the Holy Spirit say, “ this is where you are going to start


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