Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

church voted to build, so we proceeded even though we

didn’t have the funds. One Sunday following the

morning service, the congregation walked to our new

property, prayed a prayer of dedication, and had a

“ groundbreaking ” ceremony. We were ready to begin.


New Church Building

In 1980, we moved into our new church facility.

It was a great day of celebration and excitement! Our

pastor, Carl Alcorn, helped us dedicate our new

building, located at 3801 Southeast 29th Street. God was

so faithful in making our dreams and visions come true.

We were finally located on the busiest street in Del City!

That summer, Jean, Rick, Darla, and I took a

much-needed vacation to Colorado. On our way back

home, I woke up in the middle of the night with chest

pains, which was accompanied by lots of fear and

anxiety. Jean immediately took me to the emergency

room nearby, but the doctor didn’t find anything out of

the ordinary.


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