Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

prepare for this up-coming event, by purchasing some

folding chairs and opening a 24-hour prayer room. Our

church continued to grow, and soon the vision became

a reality. One Sunday morning it happened, just as I had

seen in my vision, several months before. The building

was packed, and we were experiencing the glory of God.

I knew we needed a larger facility to house the growing

congregation. We also needed a couple to serve as our

children’s pastors, so we invited Ron and Betty Lester.

They had a vision to reach unchurched children. So we

started a bus ministry to provide them with

transportation. This ministry grew rapidly. We soon

rented an elementary school, just down the street from

our church, to accommodate the growing number of

children that were attending.


In 1979, the congregation voted to build a new

building, and by faith we broke ground for a new

auditorium. Several years before, the church had

purchased several acres of land on 29th Street in Del

City, not far from Interstate 35. I knew it was time to

occupy that piece of property. The members of the


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