Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

something really big. Soon, a spirit of prayer consumed

our entire congregation. As a result of our prayers, a

spirit of revival came to our church. Our services were

filled with glory, where people were being saved and

filled with the Holy Spirit. Lives were being changed

and transformed. I remember the time that Evangelist

Tom Ogdon came to the church to minister, for what we

thought would be a few nights, but he ended up staying

for three weeks. We saw over 100 people baptized in the

Holy Ghost. During this time, the services lasted late

into the night, with hungry people seeking God.


Major Growth

While praying alone at the church one morning,

the Holy Spirit suddenly opened my spiritual eyes, and

I saw the church completely filled. People were sitting

in chairs, up and down the aisle. I saw people standing

on both sides of the pews, as well as the back of the

auditorium. I responded to this vision, that very next

Sunday, by sharing what I had seen with the entire

congregation. I also announced that we were going to


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