Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

but it was a very difficult move. Jean was about to leave

her new home and move into a 50-year-old parsonage

next door to the church. My amazing wife, Chloe Jean

Gentry! It was difficult for Rick and Darla to leave their

friends and move from a small town to a big city, but

they never complained.

Not long after we moved to Del City, I went to

visit one of our church members in the hospital. While I

was there, I met his daughter, Ruth. I introduced myself

and told her she needed to meet my fourteen-year-old

son, Rick. I was quite surprised when I saw him sitting

next to her the very next Sunday. I never dreamed that

one day she would become a wonderful daughter in-law

in my life.

All Night Prayer Meetings

Shortly after our assignment in Del City began, I

announced that we were going to start having all-night

prayer meetings every Friday night. Sometimes the sun

would come up on Saturday morning, before we left the

building, after praying all night. God was up to


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