Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

A few weeks later, we received another call from

the church in Del City. Their pastor was leaving, and

they invited us to come and “ try out ”, as it was called in

those days. On a Sunday in December, we were elected

new pastors of that small congregation.

It was quite sad leaving our wonderful, church

congregation in Rush Springs. Looking back, our time in

Rush Springs turned out to be one of the most enjoyable

seasons of our entire ministry. We are thankful for the

leadership of the church in Rush Springs, including

special guests Luis & Gail Torres, H.H. & Melba Woods,

John Gifford, Bud & Joy Kerley, John Hall, David A.

Baker, Gordon Speed, Don Brankel, Aaron Wilburn, Ike

Davis and Tom Ogdon.


New Season in Del City

In January of 1977, we moved to Del City,

Oklahoma, a suburb of Oklahoma City, to serve as

pastors at First Assembly of God. We knew we had

heard from God and desired to be obedient to His call,


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