Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


Our small congregation grew as we reached an

all- time attendance record of 407. The youth ministry

exploded with many of them coming to the church from

school during their lunch hour to pray. Their prayers

were answered with some of the best athletes at Rush

Springs High being saved and attending the

church. Because our youth group was growing, we

invited Don and Kay Couch, along with their three

month-old son, Jason, to come and serve as our youth

pastors. They became a vital part of our lives. Our

relationship with them has continued for over 45 years.

Larry Lea

One Saturday night, Don Couch and I went to a

full- gospel businessmen's meeting in neighboring

Duncan. Little did I realize; this was going to be a divine

appointment and divine connection for me. Larry Lea

was the speaker that night, a youth pastor from Beverly

Hills Baptist Church in Dallas. Before leaving the

service, Don and I made our way to the front of the

building to meet Larry, and to compliment him. As I


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