Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

church, and a gymnasium. This was a major building

project but was well worth it.

Some of our young people in our church formed

a singing group called, The Gospel-Aires. They were

very talented and anointed. Several of them played

musical instruments, including our eight-year-old son

Rick, who played the drums. Jean and I would travel

with them to other churches to minister.


My passion for young people became more

evident when I was chosen to serve as a sectional youth

representative. I served on the Assemblies of God state

youth board with our director John Gifford and my

friends, David Moore and LaRoi Woods. It was a

rewarding season.


It was during this season that I started a Bible

Quiz League for the churches in my section. Young

people would prepare for an entire year to compete for

only one day. I thought it would be better if they could


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