Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

out.” We agreed that I would preach on Sunday

morning, and then the congregation would vote on us

immediately after the service. We were introduced as

Brother and Sister Gentry, although we were only 23

and 21. We sang a duet entitled, “ I Don’t Want Nothing

Here to Hinder Me ”, with tears streaming down the faces

of the majority of the 25 people in attendance. I think

they were more impressed with our singing than my

preaching. Following the service, we waited in our

vehicle, parked in front of that small church. One of the

deacons came out and told us that we had been elected

as their new pastors. We were so excited to have the

opportunity to pastor our first church!

We were also happy to get moved into the

parsonage next door. We didn’t realize the church didn’t

have restrooms, and that we would need to share our

bathroom with the congregation. I can still see Jean

cleaning the parsonage before each service. Our first

building program was definitely new restrooms at the



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