Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Jesus Movement

We had a great youth group in Holliday. Most of

them could sing, so we formed a youth choir. We bought

an old bus so we could take these anointed, young

people to minister at other churches. Revival fires broke

out as they sang and preached. They impacted our

entire congregation as well.


In the summer of 1968, we invited Ray Ledbetter,

a young preacher from Duncan, Oklahoma, to lead a

youth revival at the church. Larry Gatlin and his

brothers, Rudy and Steve, ministered also. It was an

amazing week! This was the beginning of a Jesus

Revolution! Other guests in Holliday included Larry

Martin, Larry Hatfield, Garry Smith, Big John Hall, Tom

Ogdon and H.E. Allen.

One Saturday night while praying at the church,

I had a major encounter with Jesus! I saw the cross and

heard His voice say to me, “my hand will be your hand and

your hand will be my hand.” I then fell at the foot of the


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