Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

and I drove out into the countryside to minister for

Pastor Frankie Dawes at the Assembly of God in

Garretts Bluff, Texas. It was a small church, had outdoor

toilets, and everyone drank from the same bucket of

water, and also used the same dipper to drink. We were

just thankful to have another place to preach.

After the service, the pastor asked if I could come

back and preach the following morning and evening. I

ministered 21 consecutive nights, with no time off. They

had about eight special songs, each night, that were

written to a country tune. During these songs, the piano

player’s young son played with his cars on the piano

bench. In spite of all the unusual happenings, the

services were mightily anointed, and people came from

the countryside, to fill the church, and listen to a 23-year

old evangelist preach the gospel. Following the revival

in Garretts Bluff, we had more invitations. Our calendar

was filling up!

Our First Pastorate

In October 1967, we received an invitation from

the Assembly of God church in Holliday, Texas, to “try


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