Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

In May, we led a revival for C.H. and Pearl Hyatt

at the Assembly of God in Chicota, Texas. I remember

eating all of our meals at their house. They had a garden,

and we had fresh vegetables every day. I preached for

two weeks, and people came from all over the area. We

had a great revival, with people being saved and

baptized in the Holy Spirit.

We left our trailer in Chicota and drove to

Carlsbad, New Mexico, to minister for Pastors Dub and

Ermalee Newton at Westside Assembly of God. After

the revival, we traveled 582 miles back to Chicota to pick

up our trailer and head back to Oklahoma, with no more

revivals scheduled. We wondered if our traveling

ministry was over.

Miracle at Garretts Bluff

I was preparing to hook up our old Ford pickup

to our scuzzo trailer, when a neighboring pastor

stopped by. He asked if I could stay over and minister

that Saturday night at his church. Without hesitation, I

told him I could. It was an answer to prayer. Jean, Rick


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