Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

weeks of revival! We will always be thankful to Pastors

Calvin and Linda Newton for giving us our first revival

after going into full-time ministry.

License to Preach

Following our time in Ringling, God honored our

faith, and provided us another invitation to minister at

a church in Wichita Falls, Texas. It was during that time

that I met with the North Texas District Board of the

Assemblies of God, requesting credentials to preach.

The superintendent, E.R. Anderson, led the interview,

and seemed quite surprised when I told him that I was

already in full-time ministry. He responded by saying,

“ since you are already ministering full- time, we’ll skip the

Exhorters and give you your license to preach. ”

Revival invitations continued, including a special

meeting at Sherwood Assembly of God with Pastor Joe

Bradley in Odessa, Texas. This revival resulted in the

beginning of our relationship with Jerry and Melba

Venable, who were serving as youth pastors. They

would become our very good friends.


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