Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

While in high school, I formed a band, where I

sang and played my Gibson guitar. We played at a high

school assembly, where we brought the house down

when I sang Blue Suede Shoes !

Chloe Jean Denham

Several lifelong connections were made in

Walters, including well known author and historian,

Eddie Hyatt. However, the most important connection

came on a Friday night in December 1959, when Chloe

Jean Denham came with her cousin, Elsie, to a revival

service at the Assembly of God Church in Walters. It

was love at first sight for me. I declared , “ one day I will

marry her”, even before we had officially met. God had

sent us to Walters for me to meet the young lady who

would become my wife and walk through this world

with me! I can’t even imagine what life would have been

like without her!

Chloe Jean grew up in a home with 10 brothers

and sisters: Kennith, Ila, Jim, Dorothy, Darlene, Alford,

Nancy, Albert, Ralph, and Wayne. Her parents did not


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