Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Five

Chloe Jean


M y dad couldn’t find work in Comanche, so we

moved to Walters, where he found a job with Hewett

Furniture. He could have easily driven the 40-mile

round- trip each day, but we decided to make the move.

Walters was the town where Chloe Jean Denham lived!

Best Actor

At Walters High School, I made below average

grades in every subject but one; Speech. It was in my

speech class that I gained favor with my teacher, Mrs.

Blackburn. She believed in me and encouraged me to

pursue a career in public speaking. My sophomore year

she gave me the leading role in a one-act play, where I

received Best Actor Award in our district, and the entire

region of Southwest Oklahoma. I was then honored to

be involved in the state finals.


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