Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

take them to church, but Chloe Jean was invited by a

neighbor to attend the Nazarene Church, where she

accepted Jesus into her life.


In 1960, my dad received an invitation to try out

for a small Assembly of God church in Stecker,

Oklahoma, which had a population of 200. When the big

day arrived, my mother could not go because my

Grandpa Wilson was ill, and there was no one to stay

with him. I went with my dad, and we made the 52-mile

trip for the tryout. I sang, and my dad preached. On

Sunday night, after the service, the members of the

church voted, where my dad needed two- thirds of the

vote to be elected pastor. My dad and I waited outside

in the car while the election took place. Before too long,

the deacons came outside to let us know their decision.

When the vote was announced, I knew that my dad did

not receive enough votes. However, he immediately

res ponded by saying, “ I’ll take it !” The committee looked

stunned at his response, and after a few moments of

silence, the chairman said, “okay.” My dad knew he had

heard the voice of God saying that he would be the


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