Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Pastor Peters asked Dale to pray and speak a word over our

three daughters. Of course, the girls were not with us, so I

couldn’t figure out how that could happen. We got out pictures

of our girls and for the first time ever, Brother Dale prayed

and spoke prophetically over them, as well as a future

grandchild we were yet to have. His prophecies and Word of

Knowledge were perfectly on point. Since that day, Brother

Dale and his beautiful wife, Jean, have been some of our very

closest ministry mentors. Brother Dale always refers to Jean

as, “Mrs. America.” I would like to suggest today the

monikers should be, “Mr. and Mrs. America.” More than a

prophetic voice with pinpoint accuracy, Brother Dale and

Jean are our close friends. Dale has titled this great book,

“Only One Life.” I would like to share three other words with

you that Dot and I know describe Dale and Jean Gentry,

“Great For God.”

Bobby & Dot Chance,

Founders & Directors

J316 Global Rescue

Midlothian, TX


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