Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

“Dale, we think of you so often - everything prophesied

over me has come to pass!”

-Gerald Coates

Founder of Pioneer People Leatherhead, Surrey England

“ Dale, you have lifted and invigorated the prayer lives

of untold multitudes. God only knows all that your prayers

have set in motion for His kingdom.”

-David Shibley Global Advance

Dallas, Texas

Dot and I met Brother Dale Gentry on a cold, wintry

day in Texas in 1987. He had traveled to Dallas, along with

our dear friends, Pastor Tom and Mary Ann Peters, to preach

at a series of prophetic meetings in the area. Pastor Peters put

Dale on the spot by saying, “Brother Dale, pray and ask the

Lord to give you a word for Bobby and Dot.” Brother Dale

began to pray in the Spirit, as only he can, and almost

immediately spoke prophetic words over us that only God

knew. His words over us were so accurate, I thought possibly

someone had whispered information about us to him. I quickly

realized Someone had The Holy Spirit. In the excitement,


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