Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


“ Jehovah God , I’m so thankful for this life I've lived. Thank you, Father God, for bringing me into this world, even though the doctor said my mother could no longer have children. Thank you for putting me into Delia Gentry’s womb, so that I could come into this world and serve my generation. I’m thankful Jehovah God that you sent y our son that I might live this abundant life and have my name written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. I’m so thankful that I was raised in a home of prayer by parents who taught me to love Jesus. I’m thankful that as a little boy I was able to see firsthand your miracle working power. I’m thankful that you gave me a radio voice to preach your gospel and serve my generation. I’m thankful that you prepared a teenage girl with a pure and tender heart to walk this life out with me. I’m thankful for my children and grandchildren. I’m thankful for my family that has helped make me a better man. I’m thankful for your goodness and mercy and for all of the Godly people you brought into my life to advance my story. I somehow know these were identified as divine appointments and divine connections. I’m thankful for your son Jesus that has loved m e


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