Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

“Dale Gentry - the man that prays! I love to share this

story. Many years ago, I heard a message, “if you want to

know your passion, ask your children. ” I believe everyone

reading these words would agree, Dale’s passion is Prayer! At the age of 13, my family began attending his church and he

was my pastor, later becoming my father-in-law. Our journey

has included many seasons and many titles, but the best is I’m

honored to call him “dad” - the man who prays for me, for you,

for all of us! Thank you, Dad, for answering the call and never

looking back, always moving forward and always praying for God’s people.” -Ruth Gentry

Austin, Texas

“My Dad has been my hero my entire life. I have

admired him as a father, pastor and friend to many. His

strength has been immeasurable; his compassion has been so incredible to watch and has taught me compassion for others.

His faithfulness cannot be explained, as he is faithful in all

that he does. He has taught me to trust the Lord in all things,

as he has never wavered in trusting our Heavenly Father. I

would not be the woman I am today without the love, support,

and guidance from my father. I know for a fact that he prays


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