Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

for me every single day and that brings me comfort and joy.

Lastly, I love the way that my dad has loved my mother. He

has been a model of how a man should love his wife; wholly

and completely, as Christ loves. My dad has had an amazing life and has touched many people around the world. I am

amazed every single day by my father, Dale Gentry, and I

thank God that I am blessed to be his daughter.”

-Darla Gentry

Austin, Texas

“While my precious dad has been in heaven for the last 33 Father’s Days, I still want to honor him. I was such a

Daddy’s girl. We had a wonderful relationship. I miss him and

will until I’m reunited with him in our eternal home, heaven.

God has been good and gave me a father-in-law, Lee, that loved

me like his own after my dad died. He was a gentle man and

so very supportive. He joined my dad in heaven 15 years ago. I now have a wonderful spiritual father. Dale W Gentry!

God knows what you need when you need it, and I’m so

thankful for Dale!!!”

-Debbie Wagy

Kansas City, Missouri


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