Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

A Few Comments from Family and Friends

“ When I was young, life was centered around my

thoughts, my next adventure, and my friends and what they

thought about me. I only lived one day at a time. As I got older

my thoughts were how did I get this far in life and who helped me get here? Who taught me values and who helped shape me

as a man. Who was always there supporting me in the good

and the bad. Who encouraged me besides my wife Ruth when

I needed it most. Who was always telling me I could do it.

Keep showing up. Don’t give up. Pray about it and sleep on

it, tomorrow will be better. Who helped me become a better husband, dad and coach. Who always cared more about people

than money. Who gave folks cars when they had no car. Who

prayed for thousands of people and never complained. Who

has been a great example along with my mom. Who was and

still is always there. My dad, Dale Gentry. Congrats on the

new book Dad. Can’t wait to see what God does next.”

-Rick Gentry

Austin, Texas


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