Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Breakout Prayer Network now has over 1500 churches

and a thousand cities represented as we continue to call

America to pray. With the help of our faithful monthly

partners, every need has been supplied.

In 2016, Jean and I started Breakout Radio

Church, an internet media church, responding to Jesus’

command to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

BRC is a house of prayer for all nations. With the help of

our daughter, Darla Gentry, we continue to broadcast

these live church services every Sunday morning, on We now have members in many

geographical locations across America and around the


Taylor Gentry

In 2016 , our granddaughter, Taylor Gentry,

graduated from The University of Oklahoma. It was a

great day of celebration, watching her receive her B.A.

Degree in Communications from a major university in

Norman, Oklahoma! She had made tremendous


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