Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

sacrifices in working her way through college to get her



Hunter Gentry

In 2017 , our grandson, Hunter Gentry, graduated

from Dripping Springs High School in Dripping

Springs, Texas. Hunter finished his senior year, mid

term and started attending classes at Austin Community

College. Hunter has enjoyed a career in management.

He loves his family, friends and his dog, Fig!

50 Years in Full Time Ministry

In 2017, Jean and I celebrated our 50 th year of full

time ministry. Ruth Gentry produced a 50-year video,

entitled “ 50 By 50- Fifty years in fifty minutes. ” This video

journey included many churches, individuals, cities,

places, and nations. The DVD was sent, as a gift, to many

of our partners, pastors and churches where we had

ministered for the past half-century. This video can still

be viewed on our ministry website.


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