Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Thirty-Two

Breakout Radio Church


I n January of 2016, we took a major step of faith.

We knew it was time to discontinue our travels and give

full time oversight to In 2014, God had

spoken to me to start an internet radio station to lead

prayer 24 hours a day. This transition meant a reduction

of over 60 percent of our income, which came from

honorariums we had received from local churches. We

knew it was time to obey God. All of these years we have

been trusting God for daily bread and monthly fruit. We

don’t own a home, have n o social security, no retirement

or major savings, but have invested our lives and

finances into his kingdom. We know He will continue to

take care of us, even in our old age. is now broadcasting into 180

nations of the world. We have expanded to 50 channels,

started an internet radio church and are broadcasting

prayer, preaching and worship 24 hours a day. The


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