Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey


After my dad’s job was finished at Tinker Air

Force base, we moved from Oklahoma City to Modesto,

California, to live near my dad’s family. My parents

picked peaches to make a living for our family. We lived

in a small trailer and times were very tough.


In 1946, we moved from California back to

Oklahoma. We lived in the small town of Frederick,

Oklahoma. We attended the Assembly of God church,

where my dad was called to preach at the age of 40.

From time to time, our Pastor, Brother Malone, would

invite my dad to preach.


I was only three years old when my parents

bought me a ukulele. We attended a small church, and

my pastor would let me play my ukulele during the

service. I would sit next to him while he played his

guitar. One night my mother accidently sat on my

ukulele and broke it. I loved that ukulele so much and

my heart was broken. Eventually, my mom and dad


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