Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Two

My Life As I Remember It


I was born in 1944 in Marlow, Oklahoma. I came

into this world at a momentous time, with the end of

World War II just around the corner; a new beginning

for America and a perfect time for Dale Wayne Gentry

to arrive to serve his generation. I was a miracle because

the doctor had told my mom 10 years earlier that she

would not be able to have any more children, but God

had a special plan for my life. My Mom gave birth to a

son that would take prayer and revival to many cities

and nations of the world.

Shortly after I was born, we moved to Oklahoma

City where my dad went to work at Tinker Air Force

base. All men his age was either stationed overseas or

required to work at a military base.


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