Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

bought me a Gibson standard guitar, which I loved and

kept for many years.


In 1948, I saw my first miracle. My sister, Wynell,

was helping to fry pies at the church, to sell for a church

project. While she was frying pies, the pan suddenly

tipped over, causing her hand to be seriously burned. I

will never forget my sister screaming in pain as she

entered our home. My dad and others prayed for her

and within hours the pain was gone. The prayer of faith

at work with Jesus healing my sister! My father and

mother were not against doctors or medical science, but

every time I got sick, they would anoint me with oil and

pray until my sickness subsided. Their prayers of faith

were also accompanied by some home remedies, not

only for us but our pets as well .



When I was five years old, the Holy Spirit spoke

to my dad to move from Fredrick to Comanche,


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