Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

back home to spend the night, with Brock declaring, “ we

are going to London !”

Early the next morning I awoke to a phone call

from our daughter-in-law, Ruth, telling us that she had

found us a flight on British Airways. When we arrived

at the airport, we were greeted by the ticket agent,

informing Jean and I that we would be flying First Class.

Hunter and Brock also received upgrades. When one

door closes, God opens a better door! We were going to

London that very day!

While in the U.K. I ministered for Billy Kennedy

in Southampton, at the church where Billy Graham

preached when he first came to England. I also

ministered at The Bridge Church in Ayrshire, Scotland,

with Bernie and Nan McLaughlin, New Generation

Church in London with Paul and Paula Weston and

Revelation Church in Chichester, England with Roger,

Margaret and Chloe Ellis. While in Chichester, we also

had the opportunity to visit Lifecentre, founded by

Margaret Ellis. I was quite overwhelmed to see the


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