Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Pastor Bob Nichols confirmed our transition to

Austin, with prayers and hands being laid on Jean and

I, during our final Sunday as members of Calvary

Cathedral. We expressed appreciation to Bob and Joy

Nichols for serving as our faithful pastors and friends

during that season.

After moving to Austin, we joined Austin

Cathedral, where we had been ministering since 1986.

Pastor Bill and Sue Hart and the elders, prayed for us on

our first Sunday and welcomed us as new members. Bill

and Sue Hart have been wonderful pastors and friends.

Another Trip to the U.K.

In June of 2013, we decided, once again, to return

to England and Scotland, accompanied by our two

grandsons, Hunter and Brock Gentry. We arrived at the

Austin airport and discovered that our flight to London

had been canceled, because of severe weather. I was

informed by American Airlines, there were no more

flights available for the next two or three days. We went


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