Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

prophetic word I had given years before, hanging on the

wall of this facility.

On Sunday morning at Revelation Church, Roger

Ellis shared a video of our ministry time in England,

including the prophetic word I had given years before

concerning 24/7 prayer rooms. That word has been

fulfilled with over 22,000 prayer rooms, and more than

two million people being touched. This all started at

Revelation Church, by Pete Greig in 1999, where Roger

Ellis continues to be part of the leadership team. “One

word from God can change your life forever!”

We concluded our time in Britain by celebrating

Brock's 13th birthday. We took a tour of London, and

loved spending quality time with Brock and Hunter,

making memories. We also went to see The Mousetrap ,

which had been enjoyed by our other grandkids as well.

Jean and I are so thankful we had the opportunity to

take all six of our grandkids to England and Scotland.


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