Only One Life - By Dale Gentry - His Story - His Journey

Chapter Thirty

Our Move To Austin


J ean and I loved living in our beautiful home in

Argyle, Texas. It was a dream home that we had

miraculously been able to purchase seven years earlier.

However, in early 2013, we felt prompted by the Holy

Spirit to move to Austin to be near our family. Our

grandkids were growing up and involved in sports, and

we knew we were missing out on a lot of their activities.

With the help of our realtor, Shara Parker, we were able

to sell our home and find a house to lease in Austin. We

were excited about the opportunity of living near Rick

and Ruth, as well our grandchildren, Taylor, Megan,

Hunter, and Brock. Our daughter, Darla, and

grandchildren, Brittanee and Jordan, also decided to

move from California to Austin. Our entire family,

together again, was another dream come true.


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